Wednesday 21 August 2013

Reasons to Ignore the Tidy Gene

It's true, I do have a tidy gene . . . but fortunately it's not too assertive.

I watched as the oregano came into flower, mid July, and put it on my garden list of things to do 'cut back oregano'  . . . after-all once in flower it's no longer much use in cooking . . . it kept slipping to the bottom of said list (you know how it is, always something else that is more urgent) and August is now 3 weeks old.

It has been wonderful, sun and showers in good proportions for growth in the garden and the oregano absolutely LOVES it - growing nearly 90cm tall - and so do the bees and butterflies, so now I really mustn't tidy it up!
We have masses of butterflies, I've seen many more in the garden this year than for an age. 

Along with small and large whites, brimstones, small coppers, meadow browns and peacock butterflies, today there is a group of small tortoiseshells - really pretty.
And, great excitement, a common blue. 

Common! not 'round here, it's absolutely ages since I've seen one in or around the garden. And it's a good reason not to pull up all the black medick that's moved into the garden as the common blue caterpillars feed on this plant.
If I was a better photographer I could show you the density of bees feeding on the oregano flowers, the plants are literally humming with clouds of bees - bumble bees plus a goodly number of others I can't identify - and I walk along this path to my Shed accompanied by the rise and fall of droning bees . . . it's so lovely.
And this little one, what is it? (wingspan approx 20-25mm) I suspect it's a moth but I don't recognise it . . .


  1. Mavina, Like you we are overwhelmed with butterflies in the herb patch. No Blues sadly, but for the first time we had a large fritillary the other day. I tried to get a photo but it was too ragged to identify properly. Your last photo is a day and night flying moth called Pyrausta Purpuralis. It is a beautiful purple and gold in fresh specimens and I think it feeds on thymes or mints so it must have found the perfect spot in your garden!

  2. Thank you so much for that, and the link on your blog for the big butterfly count. I've just 'googled' and found that the larva feed on mint - just in time as I was about to dig the mint up!
