Saturday 30 October 2010

Getting ready for Manchester Book Fair and the Small Publishers Fair

Wednesday was all systems go, getting a selection of books ready to post to 'Artists Books Online' for the Fifth Manchester Artists' Book fair next weekend and for the Small Publishers Fair 12 & 13 November  

I'll be there on Saturday 13th, please drop by and say hello.
My overworked Georgian nipping press has been busy doing its thing . . . .

A watcher at the door. Henny's curiosity kept her at the glass, possibly entranced by her own delightful reflection.
It takes me by surprise, sometimes, but I continue to underestimate how much time one needs to set aside for compiling and wrapping work for shows. It really does become an unnecessary stress if left to the last minute. 

But old habits die hard and ditching the mantle - Queen of Last Minute - will take some practice.

Thursday 28 October 2010


A couple of weeks ago, for my birthday, we went to see 'Crucible' a sculpture exhibition at Gloucester Cathedral. I couldn't have guessed how astounding the exhibits would be. And the sculptures sit beautifully in this remarkable setting.
Showing over 75 works from 48 artists, from the 1950′s to current-day practitioners like Damien Hirst and Antony Gormley.
I'm so pleased to find that its run has been extended - I'm going back to have another look!
David Mach, Calvary. 

Initially I felt the agony of the subject, however the longer I looked I could see real aggression in the piece and it is quite a disturbing work, notwithstanding it's a bunch of coat-hangers.
Anthony Gormley, Close V. X marks the spot! 

I wonder who the author of the graffiti on the pillars was?

Jon Buck, Dove

Nick Bibby Rodrigues, Giant Tortoise

Joe Rush, Hornbill
Hamish Black, One World Series no.2
view from the cloisters
stained glass
Ralph Brown, Seated Queen. 

This is really strange and unsettling, like an old and grimy candle, as if she is melting or bubbling. . . 

Lynn Chadwick, Cloaked Figure
The cathedral is full of interest, these cloister ceilings are exquisite

Froxfield village gets a mention!

David Behar-Perahia, Dripping.

Sited in the cloisters, 'Dripping' uses sound and light to echo the monks everyday ritual of washing. You'd have to make your own mind up about the work. I think the idea's quite poetic, but the execution is a bit rough.
Lynn Chadwick, Teddy Boy & Girl

Don Brown, Yoko XlX. 

This is one of an ongoing series of the artists wife. 
Although the work relates pretty much to classical sculpture, I think it's a beautifully elegant depiction of human form, the body barely perceptible underneath the fabric folds.

Monday 25 October 2010

Weekend Walking

Arrrrrrrrrgh! I've just spent an unhappy hour cleaning out the freezer. It packed up over the weekend and now we face days of inventive cooking with the unplanned defrost. Not quite sure yet what to do with all the red currants that have now formed a red pool ina plastic bag, jelly anyone. 

What I don't quite understand is how does it get so dirty? Everything in there is wrapped, or bagged. Must be too many cartons of ice cream and pizza - doh.

The man who came to fix it suspects somebody didn't close the door properly, (you know who you are) which confused the temperature sensor, defrosting everything! . .

I could have done this yesterday, but it was so glorious I went walking with Chris instead.

The Ridgeway near Aldbourne is one of my favourite places. It's a great place to put everything into perspective and I quite often come up here on my own. 

When I'm up on this downland it feels distant from, and untroubled by the world. I find it peculiar to think that Aldbourne is where the US Army 101st Airborne Division was based in the weeks before D-Day in 1944, and three hundred years previously in 1643 during the Civil War Prince Rupert and his Cavaliers fought the Parliamentarians very close to this spot. 

. . . . Conjures up an image of an effete chap in a feathered hat, leading a small rabble of sweet (but wayward) dogs.

When I remember to, I log walks on our OS maps, it helps when I'm making prints and books, otherwise I find time becomes concertina'd - and then when I start a piece of work I really can't remember any points of reference.
I love the way this dilapidated shepherds hut sits in the landscape, falling slowly into decorous decay and each time I pass by I look for further signs of disintegration. 

I think it will make a good subject for a series of small abstracts.

So far this autumn, the weather is wonderful and the low sun on empty fields makes it look as if they're covered in stripes of bright green velvet.

Both the two photos above and below are taken from about the same place, one in January, one in October. Fab, don't cha think!?