Saturday 29 October 2011

Glorious Autumn Colour

Yesterday was the most glorious day. A soft blue sky and a warm sun - amazing considering November is only 3 days away.
I think the garden colours rival those we saw at Westonbirt last week.
I'm not a big fan of spiders. 

I have been know to exit squeaking and at speed at the sight of large and hairy specimens, but aren't spiders webs just wonderful?
A gentle stroll takes us out of Froxfield, passing by a pretty, rickety gate and up and over the hill to the canal.
En-route there's an autumnal bountifulness of old man's beard and fruiting ivy. It is a really luscious day.
Mr B and me with surprisingly well behaved puppy dogs.
We had such gentle sunshine, such warm still air and perfect reflections in the water, that on such a day as this, we could do no other than be grateful and to count our blessings.

Thursday 27 October 2011

PRINTFEST 2012 - Call for Artist Printmakers

Submissions are invited for PRINTFEST 2012, the UK’s only artist led printmaking festival.

PRINTFEST is a unique festival of printmaking which takes place in Ulverston, Cumbria. The aim is to provide artists with a low-cost opportunity to exhibit their work in this beautiful part of the country and sell at affordable prices to the public.

We celebrated our tenth anniversary in 2011 with art sales of £39,000 and a participatory print created with Printmaker of the Year, Trevor Price. 2012 will see the first Printfest Trail, enabling artists to exhibit their work in more venues around the town and additional exhibition opportunities through our partnership with the Brewery Arts Centre in Kendal.

More information about Printfest can be found on our website at

Comments from artists who exhibited in 2011 included:

“Wonderful opportunity to network and exhibit with top printmakers whom I had admired from afar! Knowledgeable and enthusiastic customers!”

“Printfest is unique – a high quality event exclusively for original printmakers with an enthusiastic and increasingly knowledgeable audience.”

PRINTFEST 2012 will take place at the Coronation Hall, Ulverston on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 May 2012, with the Private View on the evening of Friday 4 May.

Exhibiting fee: £195 for 3.5m hanging space. Artists must man their own space or share manning. We welcome artist printmakers of all disciplines.

If you would like to exhibit at PRINTFEST, please complete and return the application form which can be found at:

The closing date for applications is Friday 6 January 2012.

Janice Benson
07812 172193. 

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Wigwams in West Woods

Sunday was such a glorious day to spend walking in some of our local woodland. West woods is such a great place to find inspiration for work (using either my camera or a sketchbook) and this weekend was just perfect. 

And, we had the added joy of finding somebody else's work 'scattered' throughout the wood.
These intriguing and delightful 'Wigwams' look to be a part of somebody's practice and I can't help but wonder what they're about.

Answers on a postcard please . . . .

Thursday 20 October 2011

A new friend for the puppies and woodcuts ready for 20:20 Spike Print Studio

One of the guys who came to install our solar panels had his dog with him - she often waits for him in the van - looking fearsome but really just a gentle giant, so, we introduced her to the 'boys'! 
The initial greetings done and dusted,
Flynn and Rufus decided to play follow my leader and meekly follow Sasha around all afternoon.
Rufus sleeping in the shed (in an upturned etching tray) while I finish the print run for the 20:20 print exchange.
Organised by Hot Bed Press the 2nd 20:20 print exchange is underway, and Spike Print Studio is one of the 18 print workshops from around the UK and Ireland taking part. 230 artists are producing editions of 25 prints each - crikey a cool 5,750 prints created for this project.

Workshops involved are: The Art-House; Wakefield, Birmingham Printmakers, Black Church; Dublin, The Bluecoat Print Studio; Liverpool, Clo Caerdlann; County Donegal, Cork Printmakers, Double Elephant; Exeter, Dundee Contemporary Art, Edinburgh Printmakers, Hot Bed Press; Salford, Leinster Print Studio, Lorg Fine Art, Galway City, Northern Print Studio; Newcastle, Prospect Studios; Lancashire, Seacourt Print Workshop; Bangor, South Hill Park; Bracknell, Spike Print Studio; Bristol, and West Yorkshire Printmakers.

Hanging up to dry.
Cut to size, 20 x 20cm.
Look out for venues displaying the prints in 2012.

Monday 10 October 2011

Thanks to Ken Bruce (Radio 2 morning show) for bringing this poignant song (and artist) to my attention. The minute I heard it, it stopped me in my tracks the lyrics capturing my imagination, Grace Griffith has such a beautiful, soulful voice.

Then I shot off to t'internet to check it out. Hope you like it too.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Solar my roof!

Me and Mr B. have been talking 'bout 'solar' for at least the last couple of years . . . . eventually reaching a decision last May - lets do it!

It's a big commitment and getting things done the way that suited our house best wasn't as straightforward as we'd assumed!!

There are lots of companies out there - all with a product to sell (sometimes regardless of wether or not it suits the client) but we got there in the end with the help and recommendation of friends.

Now it's all systems go.

In time for autumn and just as the blue skies have clouded over, hah! 

Saturday 1 October 2011

Way back when

September last year I received an email from Guen Montgomery, I'd met her at Steve Miller's digital Letterpress workshop at Penland, inviting me to take part in the Unicorn Portfolio she was putting together to show at the Southern Graphics Conference and an exhibition in Knoxville at 1010 Gallery.

Of course with a project like this (especially if you're far away in another country!) everything then goes quiet for a while.

Until yesterday (after a week or two of phone calls to various depots and the UK customs office) great excitement. 

Ta-dah!! a parcel arrives and yes, the whole collection is here for your delectation.
Photographed as they came out of the box, if I've incorrectly labelled anyones work please do let me know.
Ann Flowers

Anna Tararova

Annie Fletcher

Ashton Ludden

Beauvais Lyons

Ben Brockman

Brandon Gardner

Carrie Lingscheit

Kitty Pulido

Emmy Lingscheit

Ericka Walker

Greg Daiker

Guen Montgomery

Hannah & Blake Sanders

Heather Bryant

Jason Ammons

Jessie Van der Laan

Johanna Mueller

Joseph Velasquez

Katie Ries

Katy Seals

Lauren Falkenberry

Leslie Grossman

Matt Rebholz

Mavina Baker

Megan Lockhart

Meghan O'Connor

Melanie Yazzie

Peter Riesing

Rachael Madeline

Rachel James

Richard Wenrich

Rodolfo Salgado Jr.

Ruthann Godollei

Sara Marie Miller

Steve Miller

Taryn Anne Williams

Veronica Siehl